Subdivision Maintenance

Eastcoast SiteWork’s services consist of any type of subdivision maintenance. If you do not see a service that you need, just ask! We can meet any request. Eastcoast SiteWork has been providing quality construction services throughout New Jersey. We excel at meeting Clients’ construction site needs throughout all stages of project development.

Maintaining your community like it’s our own.

The upkeep of your community or home is essential not only for retaining property value, but also for security and peace of mind. That’s why we have a vast array of services and resources for neighborhood and commercial associations to ensure you have a pleasant experience. Even in the event of a storm or other emergency, we’ve got you covered. Eastcoast provides repairs, maintenance and general project oversight. Our expert emergency response team can help you assess damage, understand the claims process, and manage and execute the construction and restoration of your assets – including common areas.

Our maintenance services include

Labor Supervisor
Commercial Gas Pump
Chain Saw with Operator
Site Clean Up
Skid Steer/Scrape Roads
Bond Punch Lists
Curb Cuts
Dig Electrical Trench with Ditch Witch
Driveway Pads / Stone Tracking Pads
General Labor
Tree Clearing
Swales & Drainage
Parking Bumpers with Rebar
Line Striping
Cold Patch/Street Hole Repairs/Winterize Manholes & Catch Basins
Stone Tracking Pads

Additional Resources